Teaching and Outreach


Earth Sciences education is fundamental to addressing key issues that we face today, including climate change, sustainable resources, and mobilization of contaminants in the environment.

I believe in using experiential learning and a positive and inclusive teaching environment to help students build skills and become successful Earth Science professionals.

Student supervision


Zach Adam, Undergraduate thesis project. Co-supervised with Chris Yakymchuk

Courses and teaching experience


EPSC 445 Metamorphic Petrology, McGill University. Guest lecturer

EARTH 232 Introductory Petrography, University of Waterloo. Teaching assistant - explaining concepts to students in lab and one-on-one, grading, developing rubrics


EARTH 332 Metamorphic Petrology, University of Waterloo. Teaching assistant - explaining concepts to students in lab and one-on-one, grading, developing new experiential learning module, guest lecturing


EARTH 390 Methods in Geological Mapping, University of Waterloo. Teaching Assistant - supervising and teaching students in the field, grading, guest lecturing


EASC 3055 Thermodynamics and Metamorphic Petrology, Memorial University. Teaching assistant - explaining concepts to students in lab, guest lecturing


EASC 2030 Mineralogy, Memorial University. Teaching assistant - explaining concepts to students in lab, grading


ERTH 1080 Geology I (Section 2), Dalhousie University. Teaching assistant - explaining concepts to students in lab, grading


Undergraduate field school, University of Waterloo (photo: Shoufa Lin)

Explaining Rb–Sr geochronology to Metamorphic Petrology students, McGill University

Collecting samples and field data for an experiential learning module based on the Grenville Province


I have worked to introduce Earth Sciences to students at several outreach events by demonstrating and assisting them with hands-on activities such as using a petrographic microscope.


Earth and Planetary Sciences Open House, McGill University


March Break Open House, University of Waterloo


Junior High Enrichment Mini-Course, Memorial University


Discovery Days Earth Science session, Dalhousie University

Petrographic microscope presentation for visiting junior high students, Memorial University